Finding Seller Leads can be a tough part of Lead Generation. Here are some tips, tricks, and activities you can use to find seller leads!
Activities to Find Seller Leads
1. Expired Listings: MLS Search for Expired Listing that go back up to 2 years. Be sure to cross reference expired listings with active or previously sold listings to make sure the "expiration" is still up for grabs. Also verify the owner name on the mls with the County Appraisal District to confirm the owner.
For Expired Listings you can knock on their door, Mail out letters, or Call their Number. Other ways you can approach leads is by using the "Wedding Letter" method. You must use fancy Cards for the mail out to make sure they open it as if it were a wedding invitation. Another way you can approach this is by using Fedex or USPS envelopes by picking them up at your nearest location.
2. Previous Rental Listings: Scourer the MLS for listing that have previously rented out their property. You have to go back at least 6 to 8 months to get the client at the time of renewal or finding another tenant. Example, if there is a home that was rented out 9 months ago, then the renewal period should be coming up as most leases are 12 months. Usually the home owner will not be living in the property so make sure to verify the County Appraisal District to determine their mailing address or use a phone number look up for the address and/or owner.
3. Referrals from past clients or friends: The best clients come from your database! Be sure to make it known that you are a realtor and let your friends and family find clients!
4. Door Knocking: This activity can be done in several ways. 1 is actual door knocking and talking to the nieghborhood and handing out either business cards or flyers about your work in real estate. Secondly, you can have flyers or door hangers made and left at the door without speaking to anyone at all. Lastly, another method we have used in the past are handwriting Post-it notes letting the owner know that you have buyers that are looking in the area.
5. Neighborhood Farming: Farming is one of the activities that is meant to create a relationship with your targeted community. It is important to touch this database on a quarterly basis. Again it is meant to create a community around your business. Postcards, introduction door knocking, friendly activities for the community, and phone calls to neighbor. Be sure to schedule ahead and create your interactions where the neighbor provides you their info. Dont want to come off as a creep when you call them without them giving you their number! Be friendly and understand the community. Know the schools they belong to, the hoas, and if you have referral repair partners, its best to let them know.