League of Legends is a MOBA type game and it was launched on October ,27 2009. When the game had first came out it wasn't as popular as it is today in fact the producer Jeff Jew said "The game really sucked for a long time". When he brought this up he was mainly talking about the abilities of the champions some of them were to overpowered and it took a while for Riot to change it since they had to change some champions completely.
Nowadays League of Legends has grown so much in popularity that is now has over 117 million people playing.
Let me tell you about the game itself its a 5v5 team based game with 5 different roles to play 4 of those roles are played in a lane then theirs jungle which is usually played in between all the lanes their goal is to kill jungle monsters and gain experience points and to try to help the lanes win their matchup. Now for one of the three lanes in game theirs one where two people play in together those are known as attack damage carry and support these two work together and usually stay by each others side when fighting. Mid lane is known as the lane of ascidians or mages mainly high burst damage. Finally top lane they usually play tank or bruiser type champions which means they are somewhat tank and damage.
Of course if you do want to learn more about each lane you can always click on the link below.